Send a request to ask the user to sign in with a particular wallet.
If you have an appliction that needs to prove ownership of an account...
(ie. there are restricted portions of your site to certain wallet addresses)
... then you can pass us a hex message prepared using ripple-keypairs. We will pass back the signature with which you can verify the public addrdess of the signer wallet.
See here (opens in a new tab) for more details
await sdk.async.signInAndWait(hex?: string)
hex?: string
request: BaseRequest;
// request structure will vary depending on the type of the request
response: BaseResponse;
// response structure will vary depending on the type of the request
createdAt: number; // unix;
resolvedAt: number; // unix;
let { request, response, createdAt, resolvedAt } = await sdk.async.signInAndWait();
console.log(request, response, createdAt, resolvedAt);